"Consensus building has application inside and outside your
organization. Indeed, the higher you climb your organizations leadership
ladder, the more likely you are to find yourself building consensus with other
stakeholders. For instance, in large organization it is not unusual for multiple
workgroups to participate in a project. As the leader of your group, you might
be called upon to build consensus on how the problem will be tackled by the
involved groups. Or, if you are manager in the public service you might be
working with another agency or even involved in consensus building with
stakeholders outside your organization, like the community."
Andrew J. Harvey and Raymond E. Foster (Leadership: Texas Hold 'em
Articles on Stakeholders
Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder analysis is a tool used to identify and understand those that have
an interest or stake in an issue. Stakeholder analyses can be conducted using
many different social science methods such as interviews, surveys, observation,
and content analysis of public meeting records and other documents. Less formal
stakeholder analyses may be achieved by simply consulting with local experts
familiar with a situation and the stakeholders. Stakeholder analysis can be
especially useful in the context of collaborative and participatory processes
where all stakeholders in an issue are convened to discuss issues or make
Consensus Team Decision Making
The Westerner and the Japanese man mean something different when they talk
of "making a decision." In the West, all the emphasis is on the answer to the
question. To the Japanese, however, the important element in decision making is
defining the question. The crucial steps are to decide whether there is a need
for a decision and what the decision is about. And it is in that step that the
Japanese aim at attaining consensus. Indeed, it is this step that, to the
Japanese, is the essence of decision. The answer to the question (what the West
considers the decision) follows from its definition. During the process that
precedes the decision, no mention is made of what the answer might be. . . .
Thus the whole process is focused on finding out what the decision is really
about, not what the decision should be (Drucker 1974).
Team Tactics and Techniques
Strategic leaders need teams to solve problems and to develop policy
alternatives to meet the challenges of working in "permanent white water." This
is particularly true when dealing with policy issues and problems related to
resource allocation decisions. A high-performing team will use, as one of
several tools, a consensus process in estimating the situation and developing
policy recommendations at the strategic level of government, business, or in
other national or international organizations. The consensus team model uses a
systems approach in dealing with strategic problems.
Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for your Projects
As you become more successful in your career, the actions you take and the
projects you run will affect more and more people. The more people you affect,
the more likely it is that your actions will impact people who have power and
influence over your projects. These people could be strong supporters of your
work - or they could block it. Stakeholder Management is an important discipline
that successful people use to win support from others. It helps them ensure that
their projects succeed where others fail.
Understanding Organizational Stakeholders for Design
Stakeholders are defined as individuals or organizations who stand to gain
or lose from the success or failure of a system (Nuseibeh and Easterbrook,
2000). For a software system, this can include managers, designers, and users of
a system. Since, by definition, stakeholders are those who are impacted by (or
have an impact on) the project, their perspectives need to be taken into account
in order for a project to be successful. Stakeholders can have positive or
negative views regarding a given project, and often dont agree with one
another, making it a challenge to reconcile their varied viewpoints.
How to Integrate Stakeholder Analysis Information into
your Project
Consultants who expect to be successful often do plenty of work before the
project is complete to assess the needs and expectations of the projects
stakeholders. In order to ensure that the projects I work on go smoothly and end
well, Ive developed a system for analyzing stakeholders and keeping them
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Web-based resources
Public Involvement
Public involvement begins when individuals and organizations seek information
from EPA about a topic or issue, or when they receive information from EPA
because the Agency identifies them as a potentially affected party. EPA's
outreach activities serve and engage these individuals and organizations. These
four categories, defined by the purpose of the interaction and the expectation
of how EPA and the stakeholders involved will use the information help
clarifying the roles for all involved:
Information exchange
Identifying Stakeholders and the Risk Assessment Team
Involvement Planning Guidelines
Getting Started Identifying Stakeholders
Helpful Questions in Identifying Stakeholders
Turning Stakeholders into Advocates
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