"After your group is recruited, the first task for the group is to
design the process by which the problem with be resolved. As an example, if the
group is the board of a non-profit agency the path to consensus is the
organizational by-laws often implemented through Roberts Rules of Order."
Andrew J. Harvey and Raymond E. Foster (Leadership: Texas Hold 'em
Articles on
Parliamentary Procedure
An Army Engineer Brought Order to Church Meetings and
Revolutionized Parliamentary Procedure
Meetings can be lively, heated, even rancorous affairs, and church meetings, as
anyone who has attended them can attest, are no exception. Twenty-five year old
Army Engineer Henry Martyn Robert found this out while stationed in New Bedford,
Massachusetts in 1862-63, recovering from a tropical fever he had contracted in
Panama. A deeply religious Baptist, he was unexpectedly asked to chair a meeting
of the local Baptist Church. The challenge proved formidable.
Click here to suggest a leadership article on
Parliamentary Procedure.
Web-based resources
American Institute of Parliamentarians
The general purpose of the American Institute of Parliamentarians is to work for
the improvement of parliamentary procedure to the end that decisions are made by
parliamentary means rather than by violence or by dictatorial actions, and that
mankind will learn to live in peace through effective implementation of sound
democratic principles.
Robert's Rules Online
An online version of the fourth edition of the book.
The National Association of Parliamentarians
The National Association of Parliamentarians, founded in 1930, is the largest
non-profit organization of professional parliamentarians in the world.
Headquartered in Independence, Missouri, the association helps organizations of
all sizes conduct business efficiently through education and advocacy of
effective meeting procedures and the accreditation of meeting professionals.
Robert's Rules of Order Motions Chart
The Basics of Robert's Rules of Order
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