"The poker table changes constantly. If you played every hand exactly
the same, you are assured of losing. Your cards change, your bank changes and
even the people at the table can change. Indeed, not only is every hand
different, every game is different. Each table you sit at is composed of players
with different skills, different cards and different banks. Like a good leader,
the poker player continually adapts to his or her environment and the
Andrew J. Harvey and Raymond E. Foster (Leadership: Texas Hold 'em
Downloads and E-docs
Leadership Styles
A forty page booklet hosted on the United Nations website that explores some
basic information about leadership and particularly leadership styles.
Articles on Leadership
Managerial Styles
A managers style of managing has been a continuing cause of concern to his
organization, his subordinates, and, at times, the manager himself. All have
recognized that the manager's style is one of the major contributors to the
performance and effectiveness of his unit. The desire to define how a manager
should conduct himself while working with others has led to investigations into
those variables that may affect levels of managerial performance. This article
examines, in summary form, investigations by various management authorities on
the subject of managerial styles. These investigations have been developed into
three theories of managerial style: trait, behavior, and situation.
72 Situational Leadership
Adaptive leadership in today's Army is increasingly important with technological
changes and the force-structure downsizing that all military services are
experiencing. Adaptive leadership is necessary in today's complex and ambiguous
military environment. Technology and the availability and flow of information
contribute to a very fluid operational situation.1 US Army Field Manual (FM)
22100, Army Leadership, has added transactional and transformational leadership
styles of directing, participating, and delegating.2 These styles add to the
leader's arsenal of leadership styles that can be used to shape behavior,
emotions, and the organizational climate.
Toxic Leadership
In 2003, Secretary of the Army Thomas E.White asked the U.S. Army War College (AWC)
to address how the Army could effectively assess leaders to detect those who
might have destructive leadership styles. The most important first step in
detecting and treating toxic leadership is to recognize the symptoms. The terms
toxic leader, toxic manager, toxic culture, and toxic organization appear with
increasing frequency in business, leadership, and management literature. Analyst
Gillian Flynn provides a particularly descriptive definition of a toxic manager;
he is the manager who bullies, threatens, yells. The manager whose mood swings
determine the climate of the office on any given workday. Who forces employees
to whisper in sympathy in cubicles and hallways. The backbiting, belittling boss
from hell. Call it what you wantpoor interpersonal skills, unfortunate office
practicesbut some people, by sheer shameful force of their personalities make
working for them rotten.
Emotional Intelligence
This article explores the emerging field of emotional intelligence (EI). It
discusses what it is, why it matters in general terms, how individuals can
improve their EI, and what impact it has on the effectiveness of US Air Force
leaders. Specifically, EI is powerful because it overrides logic in the brain
due to the way people are wired. Unlike natural intelligence, usually labeled
IQ, EI can be developed. Studies have shown that highly productive team leaders
have high EI. That is why Air Force leaders at all levels should know about this
emerging field. As will become apparent, Sun Tzus concise observations about
the awareness of both self and others anticipated the results that emerged from
twentieth-century EI studies. He asserted that a person with self-knowledge as
well as knowledge of the opponent will win. EI studies offer a more
sophisticated, more practical approach to developing this essential awareness of
self and others. More specifically, almost all highly effective leaders have EI-
lesser leaders do not.
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Web-based resources
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
A concise over of the various leadership styles presented by ChangingMinds.org.
Motivation and Leadership Styles
An interesting website that joins the concepts of leadership style and
Leadership Styles - Goleman
According to Goleman, "Effective leaders are attuned to other people's feelings
and move them in a positive emotional direction" by switching between one of six
Check out Your Leadership Style
An online survey that emails the results to you.
Situational Leadership
A basic explanation of the model developed by Hersey and Blanchard.
Click here to suggest a Web-based resource
Training and Educational
Situational Leadership (Federal Law Enforcement Training