"Every turn of the cards changes the situation. A good player isnt
waiting to see the next card. A good player is interpreting the environment and
planning their next move to bet, call or fold before the next card is turned.
The turn of the card and the reaction of the other players dictates which plan
is implemented. The point is that change is planned. Once your followers are
ready for change, you implement the plan."
Andrew J. Harvey and Raymond E. Foster (Leadership: Texas Hold 'em
Downloads, Checklists and
Key Elements of Change Management
Agent of Change Exercise
Change Management: Guiding Organizations through
Articles on Leadership
and Change
Change Management
Guiding, nurturing, and shepherding human capital are the skills most needed to
ensure that organizational change is received and implemented enthusiastically,
rather than with distrust and fear. The degree to which leaders are able to
manage change, develop consensus, and sustain commitment will determine the
success (or failure) of any financial management initiative or reform effort.
9 Tips for Change Agents
The job title on Chris Turner's business card simply reads "Learning Person."
"It's like 'citizen of the world,'" she says. "Ultimately my hope is that people
in all parts of XBS will see themselves as Learning Persons." As nonhierarchical
as her job title sounds, Turner's role at XBS is that of "chief change agent."
Here are her nine lessons for would-be change agents.
Organizational Culture: Techniques Companies use to
Perpetuate or Change Beliefs and Values
According to several experts we spoke with, an organizations decision to change
its culture is generally triggered by a specific event or situation. A change in
the world situation, international competition, or a severe budget reduction are
some events that could provide the impetus for an organizational culture change.
For example, the oil shocks of the 1970s and the increase in international,
particularly Japanese, competition spurred Fords change in culture. The experts
generally agreed that a culture change is a long-term effort that takes at least
5 to 10 years to complete. Company officials believe that two key techniques are
of prime importance to a successful culture change: l Top management must be
totally committed to the change in both words and actions; Organizations
must provide training that promotes and develops skills related to their desired
values and beliefs. The nine companies indicated that effecting a successful
culture change
10 Principles of Change Management
Way back when (pick your date), senior executives in large companies had a
simple goal for themselves and their organizations: stability. Shareholders
wanted little more than predictable earnings growth. Because so many markets
were either closed or undeveloped, leaders could deliver on those expectations
through annual exercises that offered only modest modifications to the strategic
plan. Prices stayed in check; people stayed in their jobs; life was good.
Lewin's Freeze Phases
In the early 20th century, psychologist Kurt Lewin identified three stages of
change that are still the basis of many approaches today.
Five Basic Principles and How to Apply Them
Change management is a basic skill in which most leaders and managers need
to be competent. There are very few working working environments where change
management is not important.
Leading Change
If changingpersonally, professionally, organizationallywere a simple,
straightforward process, we would see many more dreams realized, visions
actualized, and missions accomplished. In real life, producing relatively minor
changes can require considerable ingenuity and discipline, and planned,
systematic, large-scale change is the rare exception that proves the rule:
changing in major ways is a
tremendous challenge. The only easy coursenot to changeis highly dangerous in
the world in which
we live and work these days. Therefore developing your capacity to lead change
should be one of your
highest professional priorities and a preeminent responsibility. Our purpose in
this chapter is to provide
you with very practical, down-to-earth tools that you can use in leading change
in your own career, in
your organization, and in the wider institution. Our concern in this chapter is
real changeaction, not
words, no matter how artfully expressed or how beautifully bound. Our practical
counsel is based on
recent dramatic advances in the field of nonprofit and public planning, which
has moved well beyond
old-time, control-oriented, long-range "strategic" planning. Planning, as we
outline here, should foster
and facilitate systematic innovation, supported by the annual operating
budgeting systems rather than
"monster" five-year plans.
Leading Change: A Model by John Kotter
Change is a matter of central concern to project managers. In their book,
Project Managers Portable Handbook, David I. Cleland and Lewis R. Ireland
state, Projects are the principal means by which the organization deals with
change. While projects may be the mechanism for change, the actual how-to steps
of implementing change are often a frustrating, unsolved mystery.
Click here to suggest a leadership article change
management and leadership.
Web-based resources
Change Management Toolkit
Managing Change Studies
Performance Management
Wharton Center for Leadership and Change Management
Change Management 101: A Primer
Change Management (ChangingMinds.org)
Organization and Change: Methods, Models and Theories
Click here to suggest a Web-based resource